Commit or Regret

Im baaaaaaaack….I know, I know – I have a terrible habit of starting things then not seeing them through! I am well aware of that! Though, I am determined to make this blog business work, for my kids more than anything!

I have an UBER talented friend (actually I have loads of those gems!), who has committed to taking photos of her kids, and blogging about them at least once a week, so she can document their childhood! What a fantastic gift to give her children when they grow up! We are so blessed in this day and age that it can be easy to do this in the sense that we have phones/cameras/notepads at our convenience to capture these moments! However, life often gets in the way and we forget to snap a quick picture or write down the funny little sayings our kids make, and before you know it, you blink and all these precious memories become just that, distant memories! And I have realised that my memory is really bad….like, I cant remember much of anything unless its via a visual photo of the moment! Im forgetting things and its making me sad! I want to savour all the times…the good and the bad, document them all, and have them accessible for me, but also for others to learn from!
I dabble in so many different things, and am always looking for new ways to make our little family have the best life we can – whether that be with our lifestyle choices/food/medicine/makeup etc….so this is going to be my central hub where you can read about what I am up to, what I am learning about and perhaps, you might learn a thing or two from me in the meantime!
I promise, I will be more dedicated to this! And if I get slack – I give you all permission to kick me back into gear! Deal?!?
Today, I had the pleasure and honour of being Henna’d by the beautiful Kiah of Mamatree. It was the first time I have ever been Henna’d and it was amazing to watch Kiah in action! I can be creative, but my goodness, that is an artform! Kiah said, “Oh, its just like how when you doodle on paper when your on the phone…its like my doodles now have purpose!” Well, Kiah – if you saw my ‘doodle’ drawings whilst Im on the phone, you would be mortified and they wouldnt be going anywhere near my body with Henna! haha
And Henna isn’t just a pretty thing to have drawn on your body – it has amazing medicinal and health benefits! Double win! You can read more about the benefits of Henna here and you can check out the talented Kiah’s page here.
Until next post

Perfectly imperfect

I am not perfect.
I can be a bitch.
I can be self-centred.
 I can be moody.
I can be a gossip.
I can judge books by their covers.
I can lie.
I can be lazy.
 I can be conceited.
I can hold grudges.
I can, and I have. And I probably will still continue to do some of these things from time to time. Because, I am not perfect.
I am only human.

We are all sinners.

I mentioned that God convicts me of things on a daily basis, right? He is always speaking to me, audibly or inaudibly – usually through a little quiet voice in my head. It keeps nagging me until I listen and obey.  My children are also great at keeping me centered! They are so innocent and dont understand the complexities of relationships and treat everyone with equal respect – they hold no grudges. Peach humbled me on this one with a relationship very recently.

 Sometimes, it takes me quite some time to actually be obedient.
I have held grudges against some people in my life, and I can find it really hard to move past them, because I am stubborn, and I dont want to be the first person to apologise! I often think, well, its not just me that is behaving like this, they are being just as stubborn – or I can justify my actions because of a certain way they might have treated me.
I know it’s not right. But its just the way it goes sometimes.
I have been spending a portion of my very rare spare time (after I have run around doing everything else I want to accomplish in the wee hours of child free time before my bedtime!) doing a bible study on the book of Esther. I have been learning so much, not just about the story of Esther, but about myself, in the process. It is amazing what God can teach you if you open up your heart and are willing to hear and learn!
One thing that hit home to me is that it isnt about appearances. What is inside is far more beautiful. I can doll myself up to the nines, pretty my hair, put on some makeup and a nice outfit and could fool the world that I have it altogether. I don’t. No one really does. We are all struggling with our own demons and things that tear us apart inside. Insecurities, self-worthlessness, financial struggles, parenting dilemmas.
I for one have a huge list of my own: I dislike the wisps of baby hair on my forehead, I hate my teeth, I have a lot of post-baby flab to lose, my eyelashes annoy me, the pigment of my skin bugs me, I hate my wardrobe, I feel people judge me by my age sometimes, and that hurts. I don’t like looking young and immature in a room full of women who seem so much more wise and mature than I. I worry I am not a good enough mother/wife/daughter/friend, I compare my walk with others, I envy those who get to travel and do missions, I covet, I worry my life has no purpose sometimes, I compare my kids and their behaviours to others…
See – proof I don’t have it altogether, folks 🙂
If you see me out and about, try not to judge me. Get to know me, and I promise I will try to do the same for you. Life is not a competition. It is not about who has the most beautiful body, the best behaved children, the most magnificent house, or the best travelled passport. I try to be as honest and open as I can about my life and my struggles in the vain hope that someone out there might get a glimmer of hope that 
it is ok to not have it altogether.
It’s ok to have days where you feel all hope is lost. Its ok to fail and be imperfect and do all those imperfect things mentioned above. But if you can stop every now and then and self-reflect, ask for forgiveness and humble yourself to move forward, you are one step ahead!
Comparison is everywhere in our world. It is in the media, in our tv’s/magazines, social media, businesses, workplaces and playgroups. There is always someone who seems to have it better than we have or have it more together than we have. You don’t know what happens behind their closed doors – and I can assure you, its not always pretty 🙂 If we can invest our time more in learning what God wants for us, rather than trying to wish our lives were more like someone elses, I think we will find a peace and joy that is far more enriching and satisfying than any material thing or personal attribute anyone else could have!
I am trying my best to live a life worthy of God’s calling. But whilst parading down the red carpet of my life I am going to stack it in my high heels plenty of times down that runway!
You are beautiful. 
You are worthy. 
You are enough. 
Romans 3:23-24
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemptionthat came by Christ Jesus.

Tag…you’re it!

I was tagged by Mrs Clark and now it’s my turn to answer some questions about me and tag some other people to do the same! So…here goes!
describe yourself in 7 words.
mother, wife, sister, daughter, creative, inspired, confused
what keeps you up at night?
Definitely my mind…it is always running, like a tap! Very hard to switch off sometimes! Also, usually Peach – all the little noises she makes, even when she is asleep – and the never ending process of putting her dummy back in (*insert grrrr here*).
Also, if im home alone, every little noise keeps me up! I construct stories in my mind of what they mean and then i really freak myself out!
who would you like to be?
Just myself…in its best form. I want to reach my full potential in Christ, as well as in life. Im still not sure what my calling is, but for now, it is being the best mother i can be to Peach and the best wife i can be to Matt..thats what matters most.
what are you wearing right now?
Its 8:30am and im still in what i wore to bed. A blue singlet top and some black shorts (i totes need to get me some cute PA pjs.
what scares you?
being alone.
what are the worst things about blogging?
i love blogging – sometimes i just find it hard getting my pictures to sit the way i want them too and figuring out all the html code stuff! Its confusing!
as above
getting my thoughts down and out, drawing closer to God.
what was the last website you visited?
Kelle Hampton’s blog – Enjoying the small things! Love her blog….love her family and her passion…and her style..she would make an awesome friend! An amazingly strong woman…go check her out!
what is the one thing you would like to change about yourself?
Id like to be able to “let go” more often.
slankets – yes or no?
What on earth is a slanket?
tell us something about the person who tagged you?
Stacey Clark – crazy talented mumma of 3 gorgeous, super outgoing kids. Crafty, homeschooling godess and woman of God. If you arent already following her…do so!
Tag…you’re it!
Ange at Chair Up
Much love